Tuesday, December 23, 2008
i juz went on a Star Cruise with my family...
the ship's name is SuperStar Libra...
n we sailed from Port Klang to Penang to Singapore then back to Port Klang
i was told that the Star Cruises are all sold!!
my dad says it's because they're making losses..not profits...
so no more Star Cruises in the future......
phew~ lucky we caught it on it's last voyage then....
the best thing on the cruise was that we could eat as much as we want!!!
fyi.....my family's got a very BIG APPETITE...
we got to have 6 meals each day
breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner & supper...
n we could choose between buffet, chinese or western restaurant...
the food was not bad actually...^^
oh...n i'd bet none of u 18-year-olds out there have been in a casino before!
ok....there are....but not Malaysians
cuz under the Malaysian law only ppl above 21 can enter a casino...
but since the casino in the ship was on international waters, i could get in!
aiya...it's no big deal lah....but i watched my dad n his fren play poker...
the only disappointment was when we docked at Singapore...
we were supposed to dock at Sentosa Island at 4 pm...
but due to port congestion a.k.a. TRAFFIC JAM IN THE SEA...
we only got off the ship at around 6 pm...
n we were supposed to go back at 7.30 pm.....
to make it worse.... we had to go through the customs first!
so we only got to check out the offshore shopping malls for 1 hour!!
ceh....tak syok
oh...n the weird thing is....
though we ate n ate n ate....
none of us got heavier....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
update update before ppl start to think tht i stopped blogging...
rite...it's holidays!!!
yeah...everybody's on holidays huh....
so...this is wat i've been doing/have done lately:
- get a new IC
- cut my hair short
- go to karaoke with sis n cousin
- go to A Famosa with college friends and find the place boring but learn more about 'Cho Dai Di'.... haha
- bang onto some motor's butt while driving my sis' car and so have my very first car accident [i assure u it's nth serious....surprisingly oni my sis' car got 'hurt'....which means i am DAMN LUCKY.... n the accident was my fault really ><]
- watch dramas online [finished watching Hana Kimi....hehe....very interesting drama by the way....and 5 episodes of Worlds Within....starring Hyun Bin and Song HyeGyo]
- sleep till really late at noon and upset my parents [aiya...no surprise loh]
enjoy ur holidays ppl =P
Monday, December 1, 2008
i had Accounting finals today.
i think i did ok.....
but i'm having doubts about whether or not i can get that HD ><
erm, if i had had a good night's sleep yesterday, i would have done better......
trouble is i didn't....
tried to pull off studying overnight then go straight to the exam.....
like what i did during SPM.... =P
aiya..... it must be lack of 'practice' lah....
cuz i didn't really succeed in doing good during the exam.....
mainly because my brain was working slower than it should lah....
so i had to think twice about my answers....
and didn't have much time to check my answers....
summore i doubted my own answers.....
when most of them were right already!!! ><
so for the last question....
Bank Reconciliation.....
[hooiyo....Ms. Eileen is really not bad eh.....trick us in our finals!!!]
i dunno whether i messed up the accounts or the figures.....
aiya... truth is i messed it up lah.....
but i really dunno how messed up it is... =.=
hopefully not too much lah.....
i wanna get HD!!!!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
i just finished Advanced English & Critical Thinking Skills final exams!
it was kinda stressful.....
truth be told, i am quite confident with my English...
i need about 37.75 marks to get HD!!!!
out of 40 marks leh.....
that's quite impossible =.=
so forget about HD...
i'm aiming to get Distinction!!
erm.....27.75 marks shouldn't be too difficult for me =)
now CTS on the other hand........
it's like....
well, if u don't take the subject, u won't know what im talking about....
i dunno how i did just now....
what i know is that most people have no clue either.....
i just did what i could and hope that it's the best lah....
but i need 30/40 to get a Distinction for this subject.....
well, it's hard to say.......=.=
so, we'll see what happens....
one month from now....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
having 2 presentations in a row can be SO STRESSFUL...
i dunno how i managed to get through it....
but i did....hehe
our CTS presentation...
well, overall it was ok....
but my fren was practically reading from his notes when he talked about the pros & cons of circumcision...
n he talked MUCH TOO LONG....
[i wish he heard wat my eng lecturer said about students' presentations juz now....she said tht u're supposed to talk to the audience....not repeating informations....HOW TRUE]
when it was my turn to talk, Ms Winnie hinted me to be brief n talk fast.....
fortunately i knew my stuff....
n it juz came rolling out of my mouth....
then for Microeconomics....
ahah.....tht's an entirely different story......
i didn't manage to produce a script for my presentation......
n so had no preparations whatsoever ><
but luckily i did know my answer n explained it on the spot!
haha....n so i kinda made a fool out of myself earlier....
oh well.....at least it was ok lah......
it's kinda funny....
how stressed out i was over the presentations and the preparations for it....
n then it was juz over in a matter of minutes.....
the day went ok...
but i have one complaint...
we had to include a written summary for our micro presentation....
so i was to compile wat everyone wrote......maximum 500 words
but my teammate....
didnt finish his part even after midnight last night.....
so i told him to send it to me by 9 this morning....
CTS class starts at 9.30....n the next class is micro......
obviously i don hav tht much time to edit n put everything together.....
but he wrote more than 500 words!!!!!!
this guy is obviously crazy....
i don like his way of thinking, his way of doing things....
he makes me angry....
i don even know why i consider him as a fren =.=
well, lesson learnt....
anyway....end of semester.....
but exams start on Saturday.......
urgh......the schedule is much too rushed......
i need to get distinctions!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
i've experienced so many things n gone thru so much emotions these few days tht i do not even noe where to begin...
well, to give a brief explanation...
the deadline for both Critical Thinking Skills (CTS) and Moral reports is today...13th November...
n wat the hell, we only started to write them this week....[they're group works]
so u can imagine how hectic it was trying to come up wif two, not one, minimum-3000-word reports....
the situation wasn't too bad actually...
cuz i've done enough last minute work in the past to know that i can pull it off...
at least it shouldn't be that hard...
but hell and damnation, problems arised....
all for the same reason, the human factor......
so, the scenario....
[note: im talking about the CTS project, n the topic we got is 'Circumcision'......duh]
last week, i came up with an outline for the report, and each of us took one part to focus on n then write about it.....
i honestly expected no problems, cuz everyone was supposed to do their own job n then we would then compile everything, then it's done!
uh huh.....easy to say........
hell, i should have expected problems from this member....
cuz i've worked enough times with him to know how he thinks....
he can think so much yet twist everything in his mind until he gets it all wrong.....
so, this member gathered information on the net n found that there was a lot of contradictory stuff about circumcision....
he didn't know how to organize these facts....
so he came to us....
i was very doubtful of the things he said....cuz i didn't see those facts anywhere at all....
so i kept questioning him from the very beginning.....
then he gave us his pen-drive.....n told us to c the things he'd saved inside.....
he saved lots of websites inside.....more than 10....
n he told us to read them.....cuz he didn't remember where he'd seen the facts.....
and i was SO PISSED....
it was the first time i'd ever get so angry that i swear so much...
wat....u expect us to read and analyze everything for u????
u think we don have our parts to do??????
u think that u can juz throw us ur problem n then expect us to solve it for u???????
not only that, he even said this to me: "i dunno how to do, juz tell me wat to do n then i'll go home n write it...."
gosh....he sounded like we forced this on him!!
excuse me.....i noe this is a group work, but can't u juz decide on yourself????
don't u have some guts in u to do the work n then take responsibility for it????
let us juz say, after some considerable expression of anger and frustration on both parties...
somehow, miraculously, we got through it......
still, i have to say that dealing with him is very tiring....
he juz wears me out n wastes a hell lot of my time.....
wait, that's not all.....
when he finally finished everything n sent the file to us yesterday......
we found that his referencing was all wrong.....
so we told him.....
n guess wat he said to me......
"i dunno how to do referencing...... i told u already mah...... ask u to teach me but u said 'next time'."
it's not fair!!!
i had finished my job.....n yet i had to change all his referencing.....
not fair at all!!!!
think about it.....
i had to come home n clean up all his mess; while he can go home n sleep!!!!!
my sister said that with this kind of attitude....this guy will have a hard time doing his degree....
n i'm not ashamed to say that my reaction to that was.....
smirk.....n say: "well, i hope he suffers..."
i was thinking i could hand in the assignment n be done with it.....
then can relax for the day......
but then disaster strikes again.......
we went to CTS class at 9.30......
n Ms. Winnie said: "Maximum 4000 words ah....."
GOSH.........WE HAD 6259 WORDS!!!!
n so we had to edit again......
skipped class to do that........
haha......my 1st time in Foundation.......
anyway......we managed to condense our work till 4074 words........
n then finally handed up at 1++ pm........
doing this assignment.....
i've certainly learnt a lot....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i procrastinate
and this damn habit is killing me!!!!
there is this english research paper [minimum 2000 words =.=] that we were supposed to submit by 11 p.m. last Sunday via elearning [crappy website..server always down]...
the assignment was given 6 weeks ago...
n u noe wat???
i oni started to write at 2.35 a.m. on the day of the deadline
wrote n wrote n wrote until 10 sth at nite...
oni pausing in between to have my meals....plus one nap after breakfast
[plus...my uncle invited us to go to Port Klang to eat seafood....tht's like an hour there and an hour back....5.30p.m. go frm my hse....got back arnd 9.00p.m......HAH....can always count on him to drop bombs like tht n gimme extra stress!!]
n finally submitted at 10.35 p.m.
haha.....of course i submitted on time!!
it's juz tht my paper got crappier towards the end lah....
n my conclusion sounded as hypocritical as ever.....
my point here is......
it's seriously gonna cost me a lot.....
erm...actually i already suffered some consequences n still suffer from them....
such as i could've done better in SPM....
oh....n i must complain about this....
Marc actually started later than me...
n submitted earlier than me....
fine...tht means he can write fast.....
but guess wat he told us this morning....
after he submitted his paper....he read it....
n he thought: "IT'S GOOD!"
OMG!!....can praise himself summore...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
turns out tht Jon oso fell asleep while smsing....
ah...typical of him....
but it shows tht we are indeed good buddies....can even fall asleep around the same time!
anyway...he did wish me a happy belated birthday....
now Bro, on the other hand.....
did indeed FORGOT about it.....
oni remembered it this morning.......=.=
haha....ok i admit....
i called him after he smsed me.....juz to bug him.....
but he promised to make it up to me n buy me lunch.....provided tht he's free......=.=
ceh Bro....i oso got assignments to hand up SOON.....
*stress stress stress*
oh n musnt forget tht alien....or shud i call him devil?
either suits him anyway....haha
yes Allen, wished me 'Happy Birthday...belated!' this evening when i passed him by at the corridor....
i said 'TOO LATE!'
aiyaya....now i c how ironic it is....
my closest guy friends....Jon, Bro, Ken......all wished me oni after my birthday was over......
i shall do the same thing to them next year!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I noe of someone, who thinks of his birthday as juz another day....
well, now i agree wif his perspective
yesterday was my 18th birthday.
i had class from 8 till 6.30....got home around 7.30....
had dinner.....then slept
juz another normal day in college....haha
but i'm glad to say tht though nobody celebrated on my bday....
i celebrated BEFORE it....
thanks to Karen....
i had a 5 hour karaoke fun time wif my college frens last friday.
unfortunately not the whole gang was there...
Mei Yean went to Kuantan; Kelvin was sick; and Adam....
i suspect tht he was afraid he had to spend money so he wouldnt come....
anyway, i wanna thank KAREN, YOKE HUN, MICHEAL, WEN XUAN, TYNG PANG and KOK CHERN....for paying for everything
i had a great time....^^
n then on Saturday night....
i had dinner with my family at Daorae...
yup...tht Korean restaurant next to Carrefour at Metro Prima.
had a great time too....cuz i like the food there....
but most importantly they served us seaweed soup....
a must when somebody's having her/his birthday.....
haha....yup....tht's Korean culture....
and i wanna thank everybody who wished me Happy Birthday....
Kelvin [the 1st one....but unfortunately AN HOUR B4 MY BIRTHDAY]
Chya Chyi [at 12 midnight...haha....love u]
Yoke Hun
almost forgot...my ONNI
Ee Lin
Shin Yue
Adam [wished me about 5/6 times ><]
Wen Xuan
Kher Ye
Tyng Pang
Kok Chern
Keng Fai
Cai Yi
Ee Ling
Mei Yean
aunt Sau Ping
Ken Vern [unfortunately he oni smsed me arnd 2am today....AFTER my bday ><]
n then ppl who wished me on Facebook...juz saw it anyway....
Patricia & Kai Jian......erm.....dunno how they noe my bday....
do forgive me if i forgot to include anybodyd else's name....but thank you....
yes...im trying to prove sth here....
Jon didn't wish me....but he did sms me....
'sis....how u?'....n i answered....'wat me how? ok la'....then he answered 'ok oni meh? haha...'
sry lah brother....i slept dy.....so nvr reply....
i noe u planned to wish me lah.......so thx......love u anyway
n then there is my Bro....
didnt wish me at all.....
which proves tht he DOES dare to forget my birthday...
maybe he did it on purpose.....
=.= ...... in tht case......i don love u.....
haha...kidding kidding
anyway....happy birthday to me.....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
eish.......there's a void in my life
it juz feels empty
maybe bcoz my birthday is nearing....
a day when i shud celebrate or do sth fun wif my buddies...
damn... i truly miss u guys a lot.....
but it seems tht we are all so far apart
maybe bcoz the deadline for the submission of my english research paper is nex week
i havent even started anything
n then there's another one for critical thinking skills....
damn...i don think we could find any books about 'Circumcision'
how are we supposed to get reference?
n then there's another one for moral....
no idea wat we're gonna do either
these assignments are giving me so much stress tht im ignoring them
damn...tht's wat i did wif my Add Maths....
see how i ended up suffering......................
maybe i juz need a boyfriend to shower me wif love
somebody find me a boyfriend plz?
haha....now tht's real CRAP
maybe i need a religion
should i juz become a Buddhist? or a Christian?
way of life? or believe in God?
at least having a religion would give me a sense of direction i guess
maybe i juz need some motivation...
well, it's either they're too good or i love them too much
i don care...it's a good album anyway
my favourite song is CRAZY LOVE
there's another very addictive song tht i've come to like...
from Epik High
these guys nvr fail to impress me....
it's called '1 Bun 1 Cho'
which reminds me....there is another song tht came after 'One'...i embedded the video in one of my previous post.....
this song is 'Oosan' [umbrella].....
great songs =D
Friday, October 17, 2008
Remember when we were in Standard 6, each of us would have this cute little book for everyone to write down their names n stuff [details of ourselves], so that we'll all remember each other?
but i don't have one of those though....
everybody had their own 'standards & requirements'
for instance, some would like u to describe them, some would like u to give them an advice....
all kinds of stuff
i remember a few times when i was required to 'rate' my friends.....
well, it sounded ridiculous....but i did it anyway
and to tell the truth, i really rated my friends in my head.....
to even have thought of it shows how shallow-minded i was...
but if i were to rate my friends now......i wouldn't be able to do it
well how am i gonna rate these people?
who's gonna be my BEST BEST BEST FRIEND?
would it be....
Jon, the most sensible yet sentimental friend ever?
Xuan, the oldest friend ever?
Mel, the brightest friend ever?
or Bro, who dares to forget my birthday??
but of course, there are friends that i have yet to mention.......
i juz wanna say that all my friends mean very much to me......
especially those who grew with me.....
and those who love me as i am.....
i love u back!
actually the purpose of this post is to tell u guys tht i miss u a lot!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i have a friend, whose name is.....
i don think he likes to be mentioned, so i'm not gonna reveal his name...
i think it was last week, when i chat wif him through MSN
he asked me, out of the blue, "Do u like cheese?"
so i answered: "erm....depends on the taste of the cheese lah"
n i asked: "Y?"
then he said: "Secret Recipe?"
uh huh......
that was rather obvious
but then i said....
"oh....tht one nice....."
"i oso like chocolate indulgence"
"dunno much bout their cakes....but i like these 2"
haha....now i find that i myself was rather obvious too
well, my fren...
juz to let u noe....
12th of October is my brother's birthday...
n my parents bought him a 2kg Chocolate Indulgence....
i juz ate one piece 2 hours ago....
we still have more than half of it in our fridge....
but i oso wanna let u noe....
actually the cheese tht i like is New York Cheese Cake
my sis said Oreo Cheese Cake is nice oso
so u noe wat to do lah har...... =P
alamak....muka tembok ><
Friday, September 26, 2008
i had Microeconomics quiz today at 12 noon
i actually didnt study much.
yesterday, i read the 1st chapter, started the 2nd...n then went to sleep
then this morning i continued reading...
i knew tht i wouldnt be able to finish reading everything, so i decided not to read lah.....haha
juz went over some things tht i noe i dunno...went through the tutorial questions...
n then went in to take the quiz
we had to go into the computer labs for the test, cuz it had to be done with computers =.=
[i much prefer paper though.....]
the quiz consists of 30 multiple choice questions, n we were given 65 minutes.
for the first few questions, i really took my time...
[well i always need some time to get into the mode of having tests...]
but then i noticed tht Karen, who was beside me, was a lot faster than i was.
then i started to get anxious.
i kept checking my time, n i was trying to finish the questions a little faster
then i was reminded by wat Mr Alex said: '......go at ur own pace....'
so i decided to take my time....
n in the end, it paid off
i used up all my 65 minutes.
actually, i was still thinking about question no. 29 when the 'Your time is up.' window popped up.
but of course, i finished all the questions.
well, the good thing about this test is we get to see our marks rite after we end the test.
so then my marks appeared.
28/30 (93%)
gosh!! wat a shocker!!
Karen n Tyng Pang [who was beside her] were shocked as well...
by the way they did well too ...both got 24/30
so we had this BIG reaction...
tht guy beside Tyng Pang was like....wat? wat? wat juz happened?
even Allen, who was behind us, looked up to see wat was up...
im sure he saw my marks...cuz he gave me thumbs up as i was walking out
but the most unexpected thing about the quiz was my lecturer's expression when he saw my marks...
when we were finished, we had to raise our hands to tell Mr. Alex tht we're done.
when he came to see my marks...
he said:"Whoa!"
so does tht mean i did good??????
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
now here's a good question for the masses
haha...i derived it from the lyrics of TVXQ's latest song MIROTIC
ppl who r interested in TVXQ...u really should go watch the mv on Youtube...
though i doubt tht any fans of TVXQ who have internet access have yet to watch it
rite...i noe u ppl dunno korean, well neither do i...
but the question reads: 'What is LOVE?'
no offense to ppl in love...
im sure u and ur other half r together bcoz u love each other....[damn i sound sarcastic]
but do u love somebody tht easily????
say u get to noe someone online...
u've never even met this person..
u treat this person as a fren...
n then someday this person suddenly come n tell u tht he/she loves u....
sry man...i don buy tht....
너 내가 사랑해? 뭐야......
i don think love is tht easy...
or isit???
again...tht brings me back to my question...
What is love???
anybody care to enlighten me??
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
haha...i've been meaning to write this for days....
since the day after my previous post i think
apparently, i have to take back my comments/initial opinion about BIG BANG & SHINee
as i have said, i didnt really like their new songs....
which are Haru Haru [Day by Day] & SanSo GaTeun Neo [You're Like Oxygen] respectively....
i m now practically addicted to Haru Haru...
love TOP & G Dragon's rap....damn cool
both Tae Yang & Seung Ri have improved on their vocals...i think
n Dae Sung.......
erm.....he's same old Dae Sung i guess
on the whole....they have improved on live performances....which is a great thing
they don have really really good live performance.....so i had a hard time choosing the best one.....
anyway i chose this one coz u can see Hong Ki of FT Island before Big Bang appeared hahahaha
n one more thing....i find the mv kinda funny.....especially the scenes where Dae Sung, Seung Ri & Tae Yang stood at the door watching their friends...
rite this is the mv...
and i have to say tht SHINee is pretty good......
perhaps it is even an understatement to say tht they are 'pretty good'
Jong Hyun the lead singer [ahem, who is my age] has such a powerful, pitch-perfect voice....
n the 15-year-old Tae Min is damn impressive with his dancing talent....
their live performances have been consistently good...
n this new song has an interesting choreography....
it's pretty cool how they dance with those chairs.....
the first 2 minutes is another song 'The SHINee World'...then they got one short clip showing members n names...btw they spelt Jong Hyun wrongly =.=...then it's Sanso Gateun Neo...=P
hehe....i've decided i should put those videos here......
erm.....how do u give ppl credit for their videos?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
wuahaha....nth gud to write so babble about Kpop...
but first...
1st sem RESULTS :
- Intermediate English Distinction
- Computing Principles Distinction
- Finite Mathematics High Distinction
- Study Skills High Distinction
i achieved my target!! tht's why im pleased with myself...
but then now the problem comes....can i keep it up???
talk about Kpop....a lot of comebacks recently....
1st there's Big Bang
haha...found out tht Xuan's fren is a Big Bang fan n she listened to 'Haru Haru' every day...
Big Bang is great.....but im not crazy bout this new release 'Haru Haru'
i think it lacks sth....don ask me wat cuz i dunno haha.....juz not gud enuf i guess
well the song is obviously very Big Bang....but apparently G-Dragon hasnt outdone himself...
i assume he is the composer....since their hit songs which i like very much 'GeoJitMal [Lies]' & 'MaJiMak InSa [Last Farewell]' are his work......
and there are a lot of similarities in the style......
and then there's SHINee....
pronounced 'shiny'...
well they are this yet another shot-to-fame-on-their-debut boy group of SM entertainment
yes the same company of DBSK & SUJU
they debuted in May [i think] this year with their very popular song in the form of mini-album 'Noonan Nomu Yepeo [Noona You're So Pretty]'.......which i also like =.=.........
'Noona' is how u greet sisters/girls older than u if u r a guy.....
n guess wat.....their youngest member is oni 15 [omg tht's my brother's age!!!!]
well so u can c.....HOW APPROPRIATE......the song title to capture girl fans' hearts......haha
and then recently they released their 1st album and the song called....'Love Like Oxygen'.....cant recall the korean name....
erm......this time they look cooler.....
but sry to say......the song not so cool wor.........
and then.....
there's F.T. Island!!!
their 2nd album was released a few days ago i think.....
and last night i checked out the whole album......
it's good
i think i like more than half of the songs....
man they're good! especially like HongKi's voice.....
and they're still looking good in 'SarangHooAe [After Love]' mv.....
err.....except for leader JongHoon's hairstyle.....
and then DONG BANG SHIN KI's new album is expected to be released this month!!!
i think
너무 기다릴게
is tht how u say it???
anyway....cant wait!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
suddenly feel so bad for criticizing ppl behind their backs....
especially since I....who is always eager to share information i know and express my opinion......
[but no worries.....i don say wat im not supposed to....]
it makes me feel as low as those bitch tht embrace backstabbing as their career or even pleasure....god knows wat they gain from this backstabbing
i've always known tht there are these 'batu api' tht exist around us....
well there is bound to be......
but 'unfortunately' GOD has never let me experience the cruelty of these ppl to prepare me against another of their kind
though HE has gifted me with the good sense of avoiding conflicts with these ppl...
well maybe this good sense comes from getting bullied in kindergarden......and......my first n 2nd year in primary school......
not until recently did i have some stronger opinion about these kind of ppl....
it's not like the problem wasnt there all along.....
it's tht i juz realised tht other than a few ppl close to me....i m not the only one who feels the insincerity of ppl of those kind....
wat i feel is...
why do these ppl hav to make ppl around them uncomfortable?
and to an extent despise them?
i mean...arent they tired of it?
why cant they juz be themselves?
frankly, i expect ppl to be true to themselves...
why pretend to like me when they actually dont?
and the most important part is i don really care wat they do......
but these ppl make me feel insincere too when i interact with them....
well bcoz i know they are not sincere but i have no choice but to reply with the same degree of insincerity......
Sunday, August 10, 2008
half of my 1-month holiday is gone...
well it's typical of me not to use the time of my holidays wisely...as is the habit of a lazy bum...
rite..i'll be frank..
i spend my days reading novels [yea..those 400-page-romance-novels of english lords n damsels in distress]..watching tv..n pretty much SLEEP
i finished 4 books in one week...
rite..not very impressive speed but crazy enuf for me..cuz sometimes i read until dawn n then go to sleep when i think my parents are up..
so i wake at noon or sometimes later than tht...
yes...tht's the time i wake up every day...
though sometimes it's not bcoz of reading...it could b tv...
speaking of tv my sis went n borrow {All About Eve} from my aunt n we watched the whole thing in 2 days...
20 cds..
but of course...half of the time we watch it in fast forward...cuz those are hated scenes...
ah..it's an old Korean drama from the year 2000...main actor is the famous Jang Dong Geon aka 张东健
and i still love it...it's a gud drama...haha
n tell u wat..
all those love from the novels n drama has had an effect on me ><
cuz i wonder when i'll experience it myself...
it'd be nice to finally know wat all those love songs are singing about, wouldnt it?
spent 2 nights in Genting wif classmates the week after exams..
lazy so never blogged about it...
it was a fun trip...
nth out of the ordinary except tht guys n gals share rooms...
n we played games till 4 a.m.
on the 2nd night i got to b the mafia for a record-breaking 10 times in the mafia game [wat luck!]
n i got to play snooker for the first time..
i believe tht if i hav practice i'd be a gud shot..
hehe no kidding
it was a week b4 MTV Asia Awards [held at Genting] n i saw posters everywhere n then i immediately thought of Super Junior...they won the Korean Favourite Artist award by the way...
n i so damn wished i was there a week later to catch a glimpse of them...haha
i heard they were passing out free tickets b4 the show started T_T
man..i'd die [ahem..figuratively speaking] to go c them perform live!! for free summore!!
Only 13! Fighting!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
WARNING: today's post no substance....
yay! juz finished exams...
sent sms to a few frens tell them call me anytime go ‘饮茶’...
mana tau Bro reply me 'wat de hell...'
SIAO...say my phone too much credit....
yala yala...i got too much credit....=.=
ah...i hope i get high distinction for finite maths & study skills...
but then SUSAH lah....if maths wanna get HD then i shud get full marks 40 for this exam...
study skills not easy oso...gotta have at least 32 marks...
anyway...exams over...y fret?
haha....but i got confidence...can score!!
*cross my fingers*
aiya...hope english n computing principles can get distinction oso...
oso not easy....english muz get more than 30, computing muz get more than 32
die lah....silap-silap hari bulan will get credit leh.....
haha...but one of my ex-classmates once told me...
'aim for the best, prepare for the worst.....'
tht means gotta hope can get high marks, but gotta b prepared to get low marks
wise words...hehe
anyway....i did my best
cut my hair a few hours ago....
took a picture of myself before tht....haha...cuz it's unlikely tht i'll b having such long hair again...well at least not in the near future...
i don hav pretty hair...summore no money do stuff like hair treatment or rebonding or whatever they do to their hair to make it look shiny n straight...haha
so it's not really nice having it too long....
by the way...anybody knows how i can watch drama online?
Japanese drama...with subs...
cuz i think the 求婚大作战 currently showing on Sundays 3pm on 8tv is pretty interesting...
but it only shows one episode per week!!!
wat a torture...
ah...the main character is played by a member of NEWS...dunno his name...
anyway...not important
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
从此之后, all hell broke loose.
我本来可以不把他当回事,照常生活。可是无论我去到学校的哪一个角落,他都会在附近,留意着我的一举一动。甚至我走路回家,他都会跟着。每天放学后,我都会一支箭飞回家。 但他总是跟上我的脚步。所以,足足两年的时间,我每天放学,就有一种在跟他赛跑的感觉。因此我之所以走路这么快,还得谢谢他。。。
后来,有人告诉我,他喜欢上另一个人。 可是我仍然感觉得到,他有在观察我。这可能真的是我自己想太多,可是直觉告诉我,我没有错。
Monday, June 23, 2008
Jon is the fren who understands me the most
of course i, in turn, am the fren who understands him the most..
i feel like i've known him forever, but in truth we were only classmates since form 1..
n got close in form 3..[bcoz we joined choir together??...not sure..]
tht time he started calling me 'jie'...like im his elder sis or wat...
though in truth he is a month older than me =.=
n of course in form 3, there was this gang of 6 'siao' frens..
Jon, Mel, Min, Qin, Xuan n Mt...
i especially rmb the time when we used to form a 'study group' rite b4 PMR n stayed back in school to 'study'...
n then there was Kem Kepimpinan...
Jon n i talked for hours on the bus...both on the way there n back...
tht really got us closer...
then the 1st day of school in form 5, i got him to sit next to me...
since Xuan n Qin were surely going to stick together n i'd be the odd one out...haha
since then we have talked about anything n everything..
sometimes we don even have to say anything to noe wat the other is thinking...
it'd b really weird if there was a day when we don get wat each other was saying...
im serious..
in form 3, he had some family problems..
after tht, he started to depend on his frens...
this is why he loves them so much...
though i muz say tht sometimes, he depends too much on us!
i personally think tht Jon cannot live without the love of his family n frens...[n dogs?]
he can never be lonely...he'll die of it...
i guess Jon trusted me, enuf to tell me the reason behind his family problems...
i still think im the only fren he told...[or am i??]
this is why im confident to say tht im a trustworthy fren...
Jon gave me tht confidence...
im grateful for his trust in me, n the friendship we have...
so i hope he will still share his troubles n burdens wif me...
wish i could hav a long chat wif him...especially since i noe tht sth happened lately... or tht sth is bound to happen...
anyway, love you Jon....
[though i hate u when u study last minute n yet can still be better than average!!]
Thursday, June 19, 2008
in lab now
n man....i feel crappy
gotta hand in the excel document nex week
aiya..watever...juz gotta do some calculations n budgeting stuff based on the business proposal last time...
havent started
plan to come to college tmr to do wif frens...
but a lot of classmates have started...giving me stress
n i've juz wasted 2 hours here...
summore...i thought i noe wat to do...
now i'm not sure anymore...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
i've never mentioned this in my blog...
but a lot of ppl noe this..
yes, tht is why u c some weird language in my blog...it's korean
i've watched too many videos of them tht i noe some simple words in korean
haha..i'd bet nobody wanna noe how i became a fan
or why i became a fan..
cuz i can go on for hours if anyone is willing to listen to me babble about my idols..
there are 18 of them, for god's sake
haha, suddenly remembered tht a group of my frens, fellow fans of DBSK...
didn't like it tht i was also a fan of SuJu..
they said it's not loyal =.=
it's gud tht they r loyal towards DBSK, but it juz sounds illogical to me...
haha, these frens r juz cute
oh, n for the record, i don hav any favourite members...
i love them equally...
aiya...dunno y i started to write about this already...
but recently got addicted to 2 songs:
hoho..this is Super Junior Happy, a sub-group of Super Junior [don ask]
it's juz a cute song....
cant bliv they can write a song about girlfriend dunno how to cook....hahahahah
n this is Epik High - One
great song, the mv says it all....
they seriously remind me of Linkin Park...not in terms of the genre, but how they express their feelings n stuff via their music
oh, juz click n watch if u wan....
no worries, both videos are complete wif english subs
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
we juz finished our mid-term...yesterday
i screwed my computing principles paper, but others were ok...
alrite, to b honest, my maths not so gud either...it could b ok, or it could b worse...who knows
can die loh...
so u c how my results will b...
err....one more thing....
don drive when u r sick
hooiyo....i did one dangerous thing when i was driving home monday evening....
bear in mind tht i was having a fever, n the traffic was surely busy!!
fortunately nth happened, n i think the other driver overreacted
[he was furious..but he was oso speeding..gila siao..]
let's not go into the details
im sure every driver has experiences like tht...
rite, lesson learnt...
n since we have finished our mid-term, we hav a break until nex week
so today i went to sg. wang wif college frens
ya, karaoke...
[shh...don tell my parents...they dunno how the karaoke places r nowadays...might freak if they find out where i went..]
rite..nex time shud sing louder..cant even hear my own voice...
but i can blame it on my flu...haha
aih~~ how i wish i could go wif sis n grace..then we can sing watever we like...
cuz ppl normally sing chinese songs [i dunno chinese songs lah =.=]
anyhow, my voice practically turned husky after tht...
alamak, might even loose my voice if i talk too much...
mayb i shouldnt sing when im sick eih??
by the way..finally got to c the whole mv of 'This Love' by Maroon 5...
now i noe y they cut some of the parts...yup...scenes on the bed
n Adam Levine was quite natural acting the part...hahahaha
u noe teenagers like goin to places like sg. wang to hang out..lepak n stuff
n it's school holiday!
i saw this guy, most probably younger than me, dressed like a freak
if u noe wat i mean, everything black, from the freaking 'costume' to the freaking make-up...ya noe..the FREAK style
no offense, but i juz don get it, the style n everything [influenced by japan n taiwan trends i think]
n then i heard a girl passing by said: "Very handsome mah! I like this kinda style leh!"
again, no offense, but "WHAT??"
n then i realized tht she's another nutcase dressed like tht..juz a milder case of it
if u dunno wat i mean, i suggest u go to sg. wang n catch a glimpse of it, to widen ur horizon...
im sure most kl folks like meself r no strangers to the 'SARDINE' phenomenon ppl hav in public transport...
school holiday summore...
n 'fortunately' for me..i got caught in the off-work crowd in the infamous KTM...to b precise, getting on the train a lil' bit after 5.00p.m.
great =.=
but then i get to c sth interesting *grins*
will get to it later, but b4 i go on, i realized one of the disadvantages of being short
i was cramped up in the KTM SARDINE, n there was this lil' girl in front of me
she was basically standing among adults, obviously taller than her
n i tot, man...isnt she suffocating down there??
somebody giv her an oxygen tank!!
but i think she was more concerned about being too close to strangers
u noe..ppl keep squeezing into the train, ppl pressing against each other...
but fortunately for her, those around her were teenage girls who were trying to make space for her n she got a tall, strong oppa[big brother] protecting her
initially she was holding on to him, then she started clutching him, n then ended up practically hugging him tightly like he's her saviour.....
n i could tell by his look tht the oppa was somewhat amused
poor thing, i think she's nvr gonna take trains anymore
but here's an incident tht shows how Malaysians DON SPEAK UP
i got on at kl central station, n when the train came to Bank Negara, there was this young malay couple behind me, i'd say they're 15 years old, who wanted to get off
so i let them pass
but they came to a halt in front of me, cuz ppl were squeezing in n they couldnt get out
the girl turned to her boyfriend n said, 'cannot go out'
then the boy went in front of her n tried opening a path for them to go out, to no avail
[personal view: he wasnt even trying]
n then they juz STOOD THERE
i was struck dumb by their stupidity tht i myself couldnt shout out n help them
but i was screaming inside :"excuse me!!! ada orang nak keluar!!!!!!!!"
truthfully i was waiting for the boyfriend to step up n impress his girl....
but the door closed!!
n they only got off at the next station
[i'd bet she was very disappointed in him]
eh ppl...even if u don mind getting off at the next station, at least hav some consideration for others!
u shud get off n giv the space to other ppl!
so folks, speak up when u hav to, don juz keep quiet n let things happen
u make ur life miserable n u take ppl down wif u
it's selfish
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i mean...GREAT NEWS!!!!
my aunt is pregnant.....finally
they've been trying for some time lah....
im gonna have a new cousin!!!
man..this is great news...
erm..i dunno how many weeks it is now, or whether it's a boy or a girl...
but i m sure gonna love him/her...
well..it's no secret i love cute babies..
it's been so long since there's a baby in our family...hehe ^^
i wonder how grandpa would have reacted if he's still here..
but one thing's for sure...he would pamper this babe [n his daughter-in-law] to the max...
pray i'll hav a healthy n pretty cousin ^^
n pray it b SOON....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
alamak...i hav 2 presentations this week...
fortunately one got marks....one got no marks...
just finished the one wif no marks...which is presenting on Gandhi for english subject
- don mumble to urself
- memorize ur facts
- answer ur questions quickly n wisely
- most importantly, speak wif confidence, in other words, DON SAY SO MANY "ERR...ERM..."
rite...gotta improve on public speaking...
ceh...hav never been gud at it....
i wonder how i'd gone on stage to dance for kindergarden concert but felt no fear....
1st row summore =.=
Sunday, April 27, 2008
so i've graduated from secondary school
nvr gonna go back....
have now moved on to studying in college
but life is not as fun as b4....
well...back in KB...i had frens like old-pal Xuan n same-channel Jon n all other frens i love so much....not to forget funny-expression Siang =D
now tht we've gone on our separate paths.....i miss them a lot....
though i've met new frens..
i'll not b as close to new college frens as i m wif this bunch of great frens
well...tht's how i feel
the reason...i think...is bcoz as u grow...it gets harder to trust ppl...
i bliv trust is the most important element in any relationship...
if u trust each other...u hav a strong friendship
n this sort of trust do not build within a short period of time...
not having trusted old frens around made me feel a bit lonely....
n i realised how important they r to me...
love u guys......hehe =P
wan me to mention name meh...><
but at least...i get c to one of them in HELP sometimes...
so i get to b myself for a few brief moments.....
though i'd bet BRO is ever oblivious to how happy i m to c him =.=
well...it sure took me long to finish this post...
gud nite...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
met Shin Yue at HELP.....turns out he's doing A Level there.....
gud for u pal.......
n he told me to update blog =.=
haha....truth is.....i blog only when i have sth to let out.....
no thoughts....no blog........
it's either tht....or i've too much to say tht i decided not to think too much bout it......n so no blog......
erm.....wat to talk about today then???
ok...currently having week-long holiday......a day left
din do any homework........or preparations for presentation watsoever
read novels......3 novels......to b exact.......
n watched taiwan drama....[ They Kiss Again ] ........
the 2nd series of the drama [It Started With a Kiss ] .........
kinda gud......better than most taiwan drama tht is........
but sth about the chemistry between the leading actors tht makes me suspect they may b together in real life.....or were together......[though i've heard they denied such scandals].......
how they fit against each other......how they kiss...........
i'm serious.......watch it urself if u don bliv me.........they kiss too well.........
erm.....but my advice is don let kids watch.......too much intimate scenes.........overload...........
another thing is went wif KB choir this wednesday to competition......
unfortunately we're not gud enuf this yr.......
well.....it's kinda disappointing........
they could do a LOT better than tht...........
in all the 3 years i'd been in the choir.......we always went into finals........
from 3rd to 5th to 2nd.........n now we're not even in...........
i juz feel bad for the juniors.......they worked for it.........
but apparently not everyone was committed enuf.........
hope they do better in the future......
Thursday, April 10, 2008
OK.....i admit.......i m computer illiterate......
haha........tht's quite irrelevant....
anyway.....my fren taught me to simply type an email address......
then click sign in automatically.......
so my account will not b displayed everytime ppl click on windows messenger......
still........STUPID ME......
by the way......i used 'blablabla'
now sitting in computer lab....half listening to computing lecturer talking about Microsoft Word....
did one stupid thing....
signed in wif windows messenger........n now if u open windows messenger wif this computer......u can sign in wif my account.....
SHIT....tht means anyone can sign in wif my account lah............
great job.......mt.......great job........
so now my question is.....how do i UNDO this thing????
man....i m so damned stupid.......
Thursday, April 3, 2008
yup...here to clarify ONE thing....
if you've read the previous post.....u'll noe i said my brother is useless......
but i didnt elaborate on it so mayb ppl might misunderstand me......
not tht anybody complained to me or anything....
juz wanna make things straight b4 anybody say i hate my bro or sth...
i love my brother....
in fact i m the only one in my family who understands him better than anyone else.......
n i m am often grateful tht God has given me this brother....
his situation was the one thing tht taught me not to discriminate others.....among other things....
yes....my bro IS useless.......
but tht is bcoz he is using his disability as his excuse to not learn or do anything.....
n bcoz my mom used to let him be when he made mistakes.....
he's SLOW.......it's not his fault......he is like tht de lah.......
well....to me tht's all CRAP.....
tht's wat makes me angry sometimes......
the fact tht he is a slow learner doesnt mean tht he cant grow up.......
however......it is sad to say tht kids wif learning disabilities do not get the right kind of care and education they need....in this country......
the Sekolah Khas are useless.......those students juz go to skool n sit.......
damn useless......
n my family hav to send my bro twice a week to somewhere in PJ for tuition..........
he's considered lucky to at least hav some kind of education.....
but wat about the others whose family cannot afford tuition fees or stuff like tht??????
i felt tht i shud do sth about this..........
in anyway i can.......
so perhaps one way to start is to study psychology.....
anyway.......i noe i m not very gud at expressing myself.....so mayb u wont understand wat i wrote.........
i do not expect anybody to understand me.....
haha....but sis n cousin definitely will......
aiya...nth more to say........
-mt out-
Sunday, March 23, 2008
everyone's gotten their results......but it sure took me long to 'report' on my blog.......haha
if u're wondering.......
when i felt like blogging.....my sis was using the computer for assignments......
when nobody was using the computer.....i didnt feel like blogging.......
n once i start posting new things....i couldnt stop......
so u c i hav 3 posts today already......
so....my results.....
7 A1
3 A2
1 B3
1 B4
and A1 for GCE 'O' level english
to b more detailed......B4 is Moral
[man....how could this be????.......i noe all my nilai!!!]
apparently the examiner doesnt like my own way of interpreting the nilai-nilai and answering the questions........
B3 is Chemistry.......
yea....nvr expected much wif my chemistry knowledge........
not familiar wif important chapters like carbon compounds, salts n stuff like tht......
how do u make alcohol again????
and A2 would be Add Maths, Sejarah and Bahasa Cina
never did homework for add maths....so much so tht i think Pn. Ho probably hates me
but then i picked it up when i failed in trial exam.......
did add maths everyday.........until i conquered differentiation, integration n all those........
but i guess i panicked a little during exam....forgot how to do integration......n didnt hav enuf time......
but from less than 50 marks to A2 in a few months.......
i guess i had some improvement.......
as for Sejarah......i swallowed some notes within a few days n got a lot of facts mixed up.......
fortunately i only got 7 wrong in objective paper......by my calculation.....
n i put everything in my mind into subjective n essay regardless of wat answer they want and hope for the best......
actually praying i don get a C or worse for this subject...........
but apparently i got A2........
a miracle?? or does it juz prove the depth of the history knowledge among students??
well....as we all noe....it's hard to get an A1 for BC......
even Xuan didnt get A1......so i guess my BC is not tht bad after all.......haha
the other subjects are BM, Eng, Maths, EST, Accounts, Physics and Biology......
wait a minute......
god knows i never studied bio in those 2 years except b4 SPM........
i juz read thru everything in my reference book.......
didnt complete a couple of essay questions.......even labelled the vertebrae wrongly.....
n u tell me i got A1????
man......now tht's wat i call a miracle.......
n EST......don ask me how i got A1......
n don ask me how i wrote my essay.............
maybe it's juz sheer luck........or i hit the key words or sth.......
I DUNNO.......
and as for the other subjects.....i was pretty confident wif them......
though i was lazy ....i wasnt a worthless student.....
i was at least gud at sth.......
and please don say i m so 'geng' can get A1 for GCE........
i consider my english level average.........hehe
but my sis had such a different reaction from other ppl.......
ceh.....so easy meh??????
rite.....i'm done wif my reports......
NOW.....i'm doin FOUNDATION IN ARTS at HELP university college......
hope to do Psychology after tht......
well....reason is simple.....
i wish to help kids wif learning disabilities like my 15-year-old useless brother........
i don mean he's useless because he's a SLOW LEARNER.....
he's useless because he doesnt wanna try learning new things........
[well.....takes after me i guess.....]
n always thinks he's right......
constantly get under my skin......pain in the a**.........
but i wish to make a difference in these ppl's lives.......
ah.......but like a cliche i use often......
well.....i shall cross my fingers n hope tht i don change my mind easily........
helping ppl is the right thing to do.....the right way to live my life.......
wont u say????
rite.....today.....23rd of March.......is an important day.......
it's my sister's birthday!!!
n my brother's birthday!!!
my sister of course is the one and only Ng Lai Thin......20 already leh.......
though bro is not really my brother.......he is my brother all the same
well....ppl call them 'pet brother' or 'pet sister'......
but tht's ridiculous......
do u keep them as a pet or sth??
u feed them everyday??
so i juz call Lee Wei Han my Bro.......haha
i tell u.......it is such a coincidence tht they hav the same birthday.........
well....it actually saves me a lot of trouble......if i remember one birthday.....i remember the other.....
[weird sentence....but watever.....]
but the negative side of this is......if i decide to give them presents........
i'd b broke already........
so as u'd have guessed........i m not giving any presents.........hahahahhaha
anyway.......juz wanna wish 2 very important ppl........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
ps** don strangle me for putting ur real names in here.............^^
Labels: special occassion
i'd like to express my thoughts on sth........
the day i went back to school to get my results.....i saw a girl from another class.....PREGNANT
i noe...there are a lot of young girls getting pregnant by accident n ended up getting married in their teens.......
but truth b told......i was surprised........
well...at 1st i wasnt sure wif wat i saw.......
so i said to my frens......."Tht gurl looks pregnant....."
Xuan replied tht she thought so too....
n Jon said he heard from a fren tht she got married.........
i tell u.....she's gotta b 4 or 5 months pregnant at least....
was she pregnant during SPM??????
u do the math........
married at such a young age......
as Xuan said......how is the father of the child going to support the family????
well lucky for this girl....i heard the guy's family is rich.....
but seriously....is she juz goin to b a full-time mom n not further her studies??
i don mean tht the baby ruined her future....but let's face it.....she gotta at least learn some survival skills.......
reality is....this kind of marriage is very fragile.....u noe wat i mean.....
wat if the husband doesnt want her anymore in the future???
n wat bothers me is.......
isnt it silly having sex without protection?????
didnt they think of the consequences?????
erm.....i guess ppl forget to think rationally when they r blinded by passion....no?
but come to think of it.......mayb they intended to hav a baby......
even more outrageous.....mayb they love each other so much they wanna get married tht they purposely have a child to force their parents into accepting the marriage......
*there goes my wild imagination again*
but it's possible...........no??
haha........or mayb everyone juz agreed on their marriage n they had a baby after tht.......
but i doubt it........unless i counted wrongly........rite?
on the other hand.....there is a girl my sister's age....20.....
hu is already a mother of a one-year-old boy......
she unfortunately.......didnt get married.......
this girl got pregnant when she was in lower form 6.......
then she quit school to give birth to her baby.......
both parents talked of marriage.......
but the boy's family later refused to take responsiblity of the baby n said he was not their grandson.......
so this girl didnt get married n became a single mom.......
n i hav a feeling the guy's family is goin to regret abandoning this child......
like wat we see in dramas.......
i juz hope this toddler doesnt grow up hating his father.......
well...from the looks of it......the single mother seems more unfortunate...........
but who's to say who's luckier?? n who's happier??
perhaps the young wife is not ready to hav a baby n doesnt want to take care of her child.....
mayb she doesnt love her husband whole-heartedly.......
wouldnt she suffocate in this marriage??
n though the single mom was dumped by her boyfriend....mayb she would grow stronger n tougher for her son.....
n don u think she saved a lot of trouble when she didnt get married wif the irresponsible boyfriend?
but of course...these r juz assumptions.....
i do not noe wat went down in their lives.....
so i try not to judge ppl.......
well...ppl try their best to live a better life......no use pointing ur finger at them reminding them wat mistake they had made in their past......
our choices define who we are.....n they chose to live like this......
i truly hope the young couple will b happy wif each other n their child......
n the single mother will do juz fine wif her son........
though....ppl say tht happy endings only exist in fairy-tales.........><
Labels: thoughts
Monday, March 10, 2008
7th of March......a special day indeed...........
it's a day after Xuan's birthday....it's my beloved teacher Ms. Liew's birthday..........
not to mention......the birthday of Choi Jung Hoon [leader of one of my favourite korean group....FT Island]..........
ok.......back to the topic......
but most importantly........i got to see a lot of my old friends from 6H(2002) of SJK (C) Lai Chee
erm....first........gotta thank Wei Jie's [pardon me forgot how to spell his name] family for holding this party for us to meet each other........THANK YOU
it felt so great seeing them again after all these years.....
we talked, joked n laughed.........
it feels like we're still classmates.........it's as though everyone never went to secondary school
haha.....since.........in my opinion.........none of us changed much......
[note: i don mean physically]
the best part was........our class teacher Ms Liew came too......
yes........it was her birthday.....
but oddly enuf.......nobody remembered to sing her a birthday song.......
i guess everyone was too busy catching up wif each other???here's everybody......
shall i say their names????
haha.....don think tht's necessary.....
but in case u're guessing who the teacher is......she's the long-haired woman seated between those 2 guys there.......
haha......if i'm not mistaken her youngest is already in standard 1.......still........she looks so young
the guy in orange at the left of the photo is not one of us......he's the host's fren.......
n Wei Soong n Ying Jun left early........so there's 22 of us........half a class.....
[STILL ARE.......]
n here's an interesting fact......
we found tht we have sth in common back in primary school.....
our birthdates are 6/3, 16/8, 20/10, 24/12.........
it's kinda silly n childish......but i choose to think tht it means we were destined to b friends.......^^
oh..........n the 3 of them are planning to pursue careers in designing.....
too bad i dont share their passion to make the group complete.....
hehe.......sry gurls.......
alrite....i'm kidding........i'd take photo wif any of my old frens..........
but there IS a story behind this photo.....
so....the story goes............
everybody was happily chatting around the table.......then Yi Yang here suddenly decided tht he had to make sth clear.........
there was once.....ages ago.......he sang a song to me.......
n one of his frens said he 'LIKE' me
but the truth is........he didn't........'LIKE' me tht is.........
n of course......he gotta take a picture wif me afterwards..........so there.......
i'm thinking some of u might b curious.......so here's my side of the story.......
Yi Yang....being a bully as he was........made me cry once............
tht day....for wat reason i dunno......he was sitting behind me.......
n for wat reason i do not know........he threw a steel ruler......
n damn him....the sharp end hit me in the back.........
it was so painful it made me shed a few tears............
so out of guilt he did sth to make me smile again.......
he sang "BAO BEI BAO BEI BU YAO KU" [baby baby plz don cry]
i don remember anything about any of his frens laughing about this.....
n i believe nobody ever made a big deal out of the incident.....
but he brought it up himself!!!!!!!
n i gotta say...........it makes this even more hillarious...........hahahaha
finally........i get a chance to take a picture wif him........
but as u can c........he doesnt even bother to give a big bright smile........
ya i memang tak syok.........
for the excuse he gave was...........he smiled so much his mouth hurts......
oh man......wat kind of excuse is tht????????
i feel like whacking him.........
but come to think of it..........he must b a person who seldom smile or laugh aloud
otherwise his mouth wouldnt hurt from a little smiling.........
i'm afraid if i continue writing....somebody would b bored to death.......
i apologize for the lack of flow,coherence,substance,vivid descriptions n intelligent vocabs....etc tht makes a gud essay.......
for it has been a long time since i hav produced sth gud n i have lost the inspiration to write in the way tht would make William proud........
oh....almost forgot........
Labels: special occassion
Saturday, March 8, 2008
this will b a very short post.....
cuz i havent updated this blog for so long tht i myself m tired of seeing the post about Heath Ledger's death everytime i open this blog......
ok ok.....GUILTY of being LAZY.......
my apologies.........to everyone especially Shin Yue [he's the one who mentioned i havent update this blog for a long time]
the truth b told......i didnt realise tht ppl actually read my blog......
here's a photo of me wif my sis n bro for all to see........hahahaoh....plz don say i look older than my sis.......><
Labels: crap
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So...the story goes like this....
I'm not a morning person.....[ahem]......
i mean.....i sleep till noon these days.........
but i had to get up at 10 today coz there are some cracks on the walls in my house.....n some renovation guys r here to patch up my wall........
which means......I CANNOT SLEEP..........
i came down to the kitchen n saw dear old sis having WanTan Mee.....while reading the newspaper....
mom doesnt buy breakfast for me......unless i told her to....
so i decided to make myself an egg sandwich......
n then sis dropped the bomb.......
[summore said it so casually...]
so i was like......."huh???"
i mean............"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"how'd he die???"
"dunno yet....most likely an overdose of sleeping pills......."
man....wat a shock.............
btw...this is the guy....if u dunno who he is.......
well-known for his role in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN as one of the gay cowboys......
erm...i actually watched this movie....but then i never quite get the story......
n i gotta give Heath Ledger n what's-his-name-i-forgot for actually kissing n rolling on the grass n 'tussling' in the tent..........................................
sorry.....too much information??????
but u get the picture....hahahaha
relax ppl...the pirated cd was kinda bad n the scene was all dark so i din c anything 'educating'
back to the main point....
he's a pretty gud actor....as far as i can tell.......=.=
we were expecting his performance as the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie......
erm.....luckily they finished filming so we can at least watch his last movie.....
but then wat i can say is.....too bad for the Hollywood industry........
he was....one of the few gud ones......
28 years old......*shaking head*............n i pity his 2-year-old girl..........*shaking head*
too bad indeed..................
Labels: Gossip
Monday, January 14, 2008
As we all noe....our school started using the DEMERIT system starting this year......
this new system still managed to affect me despite the fact tht i m no longer a student there..........
every student is required to take part in one UNIFORM BODY.....
n from this year on.....they r required to WEAR THEIR UNIFORM TO SCHOOL every wednesday
it is clearly a strategy to force everyone into taking part in uniform bodies.....coz in the past.....lots of students did not do tht......
n....if u do not attend the meetings or activities.....2 marks will b taken from u for each activity.....[btw....each student has 100 marks at the beginning of the year....]
so....how does this affect me?????
Our Wushu Club is one of the uniform bodies in our school....
n since students only have 8 bodies to choose from.......
St. John, Scouts, Cadets, Tae Kwon Do, School Band, etc........
considering the costs of the uniforms......
n the comfort of wearing them while studying in class........
988!!!!!! students decided to register as Wushu member
because our 'uniform' is only a T-shirt!!!!!!
n it's cheap!!!!!
Due to the LARGE number of members.....the AJKs had to call us ex-seniors to go back n help out.......
we would gladly help of course.......
but this just isnt the way......
how many members are truly interested in learning Wushu????
how many of them actually gives a damn about Wushu????
how are the AJKs supposed to handle this situation????
how are we to help coach so many ppl at once????
Where were the days
when we used to be serious about wat we learn......
when we used to have fun together......
when we used to be close to each other......
when we used to practise real hard n feel pain in every part of our body the nex morning we wake up......
thanks to this new system.....new members will never experience wat fun we had in this club.......
it is.........such a pity..........
The Star Education Fair 2008....held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre last saturday n sunday....11am to 7pm.....
i went on sunday.........
initially i just asked Jon to go with me....we were discussing about wat time to meet.....
then he asked me if i wanna follow Weng Hoong's time....10am.....
"so Weng Hoong is going??"
"dunno wor....ah Kah said one...."
"so ah Kah is going too??"
"ya gua......"
eventually we decided to meet at Kepong KTM station at 10am....
i only realised tht there were 10 of us goin together when i got to the station....
so there were Jonathan, Kah Ooi, Siang Xian, Jiun Shyan, Weng Hoong, Hui Qin, Jian Yeow......Kin Yung n Wilson from another class plus me.....
the place was real BIG......too many booths to see.....too many colleges......too many brochures.....too many things to ask......
but i seriously didnt noe wat information i wanted to get......
so i just accompanied my frens n listened to them ask about the courses they r interested in....
we walked through the whole place n only got back around 6........
damn tired.......
but at the end of the day......i got to c a lot of things n hear lots of things.......
i'll consider this an experience in increasing my knowledge.........haha
n it was great to c my frens again after so long..........
i read my post over...n i forgot one thing i must let out....
my mom called the Kepong Driving Institute last saturday morning to change the instructor....
n guess wat's the excuse the 'lou pan liong' gave......
she said the UNCLE's CANTONESE IS NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should i b cheering like tht????
i dunno.....
about one o clock my new instructor called to ask me wat time i can learn driving.....
i said anytime lah....then he said 1-3pm this friday.....
he did say his name.......but unfortunately......i m not gud at listening to ppl talking on the phone.....i guess his name is ah keong or ah cheong........or sth............cant remember clearly......
anyway.....he sounds ok.......
n i'd bet he's better than the UNCLE!!
GLAD i wont b seeing him again........
but i hav to admit.....Weng Hoong is damn tough to b able to endure his insults for another lesson!!!!
he added another post about his lesson....this time with examples of the UNCLE's insults.....
read the last sentence of my previous post to go to his blog....
damn...i m promoting his blog again.............><
but...i think he got inspired by my style of writing.....compare the posts about driving lesson...mine n 2 of his...then mayb u'll noe wat i mean.....
i dont care if u say i m thick-skinned....haha =P
Friday, January 11, 2008
Today...i met a DEVIL from HELL....
man...i dont even noe where to start.....
the story goes...1-3 pm.....first driving lesson....
about 1pm...i walked into the shop/office of Kepong Driving Institute....
told the 'lou pan liong' it's my first lesson....said my instructor is Mr Yong...then one UNCLE stood up.....
"what's ur name??"
"Ng Mei Thin...."
"ting ah? tin?"
"RM 200".......then pointed me to the counter......
and then i knew......
he drove me to the housing area in Menjalara....
started asking me questions about laws on the road n stuff like tht u shud hav known from attentding kursus....
but truthfully....who on earth would actually listen to the kursus??????????
yea...i actually would....
BUT.....the institute had an unorganized working system....they got us LATE.....
i only got to listen to HALF of the kursus......
well....even if i noe wat u r asking....i wouldnt noe wat kind of answer u want......
example....'What is the use of the steering???'
how would u answer?
to control ur wheels? to turn left or right?
these make sense rite..............
BUT....the correct answer is..........
wat the hell........
in a nutshell...the UNCLE scolded me for not knowing anything about driving.....
threw harsh words at me....kept telling me stuff as if i m one human with no brains......
kept going..."U UNDERSTAND?????"........acting like he knows everything......
so HEY UNCLE!! It is not a CRIME for not knowing....which is why i m LEARNING in the first place!!
i almost burst into tears listening to him.....
but i told myself this is an experience tht can build my character....
there are many more ppl like this who would torment u to the maximum for no reasons at all...
so i shall bear with him......
*ps* Mr. Lee Weng Hoong has the same experience....u could check out his blog at www.qtwhlee.blogspot.com...........