Wednesday, February 11, 2009
For the 1st time, I've been tagged! not sure how to do this....but I'd like to try....
Rules: Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real, nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy / girl name question.
1. What is your name: Mei Thin Ng / Ng Mei Thin. Can I cheat and use both N and M? Ok fine. I'll use M.
2. A four letter word: Meat.
3. A boy's name: Michael. I actually have a friend named Micheal [different spelling only].....haha
4. A girl's name: Melissa. =P
5. An occupation: Mechanical engineer....haha....yahor.....Mechanic oso can......
6. A colour: aiyo.....this one took me long enough!!! Maroon!!!!!
7. Something you'll wear: I was thinking some branded stuff....but then can't think of any ><
8. A food: McChicken.....Maggie what else ah......
9. Something found in the bathroom: oh so easy.....Mirror......
10. A place: Meteora [is a beautiful place in Greece which inspired Linkin Park's album name]
11. A reason for being late: Mother's car tayar pancit!
12. Something you'd shout: Ma de!!! [omg so rude] ....or if you like something english.....Man!!! ....or something typical.....Mom!!!
13. A movie title: Madagascar
14. Something you drink: Milo
15. A musical group: man....this is where I envy my sis cuz she can answer Linkin Park......wth.....
Maroon 5.....but i used the word Maroon........
My Chemical Romance.....or Matchbox Twenty........or Muse.......hehehehehe
thank god I thought of these people.....otherwise I'd write Metallica ><
16. An animal: Meerkat....there's one in Lion King....hehe.....go watch and you'll know
17. A street name: Merlin Street....yalah searched on the net some street in London haha.... otherwise write wat?? Jalan Merpati?? I'm sure there's one.... but Jalan Mati not sure loh
18. A type of car: you mean brand name?? oh hell, i just thought of an answer my sis could use.....Lamborghini [how cool is that?!]
Mazda......haha my answer not that bad either......or Mini Cooper =P [still, Lamborghini is cooler...=.=]
19. The title of a song: Mideoyo!!! Mirotic!!! ok fine.....that's korean, not english.....
MOVE the All American Rejects...[yeah...great answer]..... "Right back what is wrong...we move along..."
yes...this is where I derived the address for my blog =P
I tag my Bro.....let's see how he answers with 'W'........=P
Saturday, February 7, 2009
turns out I really dropped my phone lah.... own fault....
cannot blame anybody....
so cannot say anything oso liao.....
but silently cursing the jerk who picked up my phone
urgh....mourning my K550i
Just had my stats quiz....
Before the quiz I realized that I'd left my phone somewhere...
At first I thought I left it in the car, so I borrowed my friend's phone and called my mother to check if it's there...
She said no.
And then I thought about it again...
Hmm....maybe I left it on the dining table.....
Or...did I drop it when I got out of the car???
I don't think so leh....cuz I'd feel it if I'd dropped it....
So it's most probably on the dining table.... forgetful!!! (x.x)
Haha...yesterday played cards at Mel's house...
won 10 bucks from Keng Fai =p
Raymond and Shu Hua going to Melbourne in days' time.....
oh well....I'm sure soon there'll be more friends leaving to study abroad....
Just don't go without seeing me first....
Friday, February 6, 2009
I've thought of blogging about many things...
but I've never got to do it....
so.....why not write it all down at once???
hehe ^^
ok...I'll start with some happy ones....
I bought DBSK's Mirotic album!!!
we went to Rock Corner at The Curve...
wanted to know if the words inside the album were I asked the sales person to open it...and then she asked her colleague to play it...
haha.....their sound system rocks!!!
damn syok listening to Mirotic in the shop....
by the's version C...
yalah yalah...I dunno why they wanna release so many versions...
I juz choose one and buy...
speaking of sis ordered DBSK's T Concert DVD online....
plus Super Junior Super Show.....
but Super Show no more stock!!!
isk... sometimes I'd wish they don't have so many fans...
I want that DVD!!!speaking of Super Show still on in Malaysia???
I wanna go!!
but when?????????
and still speaking of albums....I realized that I got my All The Right Reasons at a really good price!!!
bought it last holiday
it's the special it's imported...
saw it somewhere where it's sold at rm93.... but I bought it at less than rm65...
oh....and dunno whether Nickelback's new album Dark House is good or not...
but I like their single Gotta Be Somebody
and....I recently downloaded some songs of 陈奕迅...
have always liked a few of his songs...such as 最佳损友,富士山下,夕阳无限好...
haha....I have these songs....but just downloaded a few more like 浮夸,十面埋伏,Lonely Christmas, Shall We Talk....
I'm sure there are more songs that I'd like...but he has so many....
so.....anybody wanna recommend???
right...I seem to be blogging a lot about music....
aiya....don't care.....just one more......
this time it's Big Bang's.......youngest member Seungri
bear in mind that this guy is 19 years old....
recently released a single called Strong Baby...
I think the song is much too 'sexual'.....
for god's sake...he's exactly my age!!
too much of a Maroon 5 fan perhaps????
and has anyone heard of the Korean version of Meteor Garden 流星花园???
it's called Boys Over Flowers/Boys Before Flowers....
it's currently airing in Korea....
haha....I was curious and watched the first episode....
it seems to be quite intriguing/interesting/promising.....
it's said that the whole drama has 24 episodes...but it's currently aired till episode 10....
aiyo.....means it'll only end in late March....
best not watch anymore....I'll wait till end of semester...
right...that's all for now
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
aiya...long time nvr update blog.... is like that loh....
as usual....get scolded every day.....
so i feel bad every day.....
getting moody like Jon lah....
omg....i oni juz found out tht he's the head of 6th form council....
WHAT THE........