Friday, January 9, 2009


You asked,
How is it that i understand so much about you

I couldn't come up with a good answer,
and so I said,
It comes naturally

You didn't buy any of it....
and you're still seeking for an answer....

You were right
It's definitely not time...
That is why I didn't say it's because I've known you for years....
So, what is it?

Perhaps it is the time that we have spent together
the things we have experienced together
the thoughts, feelings, knowledge, even gossips that we have shared
The things which made us such close friends

Perhaps it is because we are so close....
that I understand how your mind works
and can easily pick up your various expressions
your different moods
your every thought

Perhaps it is simply because we think alike

I can think of a dozen more reasons
But it doesn't matter
Because they are not the answers that you're looking for....

The question that you really wanted to ask was,
"How do I make him understand me?"

I cannot answer you that, but I will tell you this....
Don't push it
I have once tried to make someone understand me
But in the end, I gave up
Because I learnt that we can never MAKE others understand us
Or rather, some people just won't understand.....

So, don't get too disappointed
Just be content with the friendship and love that you have
Then, you will be happier

Love you always, MT