Thursday, March 5, 2009

oh....haven't blogged for days dy....

shall I just blog about something that makes me happy???

TVXQ was guest on SMAP's show!!!!!!
wheeeee~~~~'s actually not much to celebrate about...
but they were so funny on that show!
way to go man!

plus they performed 'Purple Line' and 'Doushite...[aiya the title of the song so long that i can't remember]' together with SMAP was my 1st time seeing SMAP sing... o.0
and erm...TVXQ was better.... XP
haha...ok...I'm biased
on the whole it was a good performance
but maybe they slowed the tempo so that SMAP could catch up?? hehe...SMAP can sing though
I know that Takuya Kimura is one of them but this is the 1st time I've seen all SMAP members together....
turns out I've seen most of them before in dramas but I just didn't know =P

oh and TVXQ's gonna be on Music Station!!!! Finally!!!!
am so gonna watch it...
not just because they're gonna be on, but because BoA and Arashi would be on too!!!

However, the most anticipated thing now is Super Junior's up and coming 3rd album!!!!!
title song 'Sorry Sorry' is gonna be released on 12th March....
which is next week......[wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!]
what a lame title for a song.....
why would you wanna say 'sorry' while you're dancing to a supposed-to-be-cool song and awesome choreography???
BUT...I'll listen to the song 1st before I give any further comments...
yes, I'm afraid that they won't turn out as good as I hope they would...
BUT........Super Junior has never let us fans down =D
[i hope....]

A few official photos are out...
am satisfied with their new 'image'...
only thing I'm not satisfied with is this:

i think it's a nice photo....
then take a look at the number 3....
now do u see the hat below it???
YES!!! that is KANGIN!!!
just when we have them all lined up from the oldest to the youngest to take a nice nice photo.......=.=
angle problem......wth

anyway...hope the new album is good ^^